
Why I am standing for CPF Director

This is a sightly different style of article than I would normally write on policy or Issues but when the Young Conservative Network gave me the opportunity to address the future of our Party I could not refuse.

Veterans and politics

We asked former Conservative Parliamentary Candidate Ed McGuinness, who also served in the British Army, what kinds of people do we need in our politics?

Strengthening the Union isn’t just about Scotland

Last week’s mini-row over Boris Johnson turning down an invitation to meet Nicola Sturgeon was both rather silly and instructive about the state of relations between Westminster and Holyrood.

Training for ministers is long overdue – but the Government should go further

When you pitch up at the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst to start a year of training, amongst all the new uniform and oodles of kit you are given a thin, glossy red A5 book entitled The Queen’s Commission: A Junior Officers’ Guide – 133 pages covering everything from letter writing to behaviour